15 November 2006

Ebay auction of Banksy "tat"

I love this - a group of Banksy fans have got together and are auctioning off in the aid of charity all the "tat" that they have bought on ebay of Banksy Merchandise. Check out the auction by clicking here.

11 November 2006

RCA Secret 2006

Just a reminder not to forget the RCA Secret 2006 postcard sale and exhibition which commences on Friday 17 November 2006 with the sale the following Saturday and Sunday. For more information visit the rca website or alternatively my rca secret blog or the rca secret yahoo group.

10 November 2006

NSPCC Charity auction

There will be an auction of various artworks in aid of the NSPCC at the Dover Street Galleries on 16 November 2006. Click here to visit the site.

09 November 2006

Inspired Art Fair

The Inspired Art Fair opens today at Christchurch, Spitalfields. It is on until Sunday. The fair features work by up and coming self representing artists. Well worth a visit. Click here to visit the fair's website.